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“仅通过查看地图,我们就知道俄亥俄州中部是一个物流中心,但拥有全球的第三方物流供应商 DHL Supply Chain,将该地区称为该地区的所在地,使俄亥俄州中部成为物流中心,”David C. Stadge,特拉华县财政局。

  Westerville 的 Polaris Parkway 走廊为创新的新总部提供了理想的位置,可快速通往主要高速公路,增加开发和扩展空间。随着公司计划在未来 10 年继续发展,新大楼将容纳 800 多名员工。

  “在韦斯特维尔保留 DHL 供应链不仅代表对我们当地经济的重大投资,而且还象征着我们的城市与物流之间的真正合作伙伴关系,”韦斯特维尔市市长克雷格·特雷内夫 (Craig Treneff) 说。“从在城市周围志愿服务的员工到公司在我们社区激发的创新,我们无法想象没有 DHL Supply Chain 的 Westerville。”

“Just by looking at a map, we know that Central Ohio is a logistics hub, but having DHL Supply Chain, the world’s largest third-party logistics provider, call the region its home makes Central Ohio the logistics hub,” said David C. Stadge, Chair of the Delaware County Finance Authority.

  Westerville’s Polaris Parkway corridor presented an ideal location for an innovative new headquarters, with quick access to major highways, increased development and room for expansion. The new building will accommodate more than 800 associates as the company plans to continue to grow in the next 10 years.

  “Keeping DHL Supply Chain in Westerville not only represents a significant investment in our local economy, but it also symbolizes a true partnership between our city and the leader in logistics,” said City of Westerville Mayor Craig Treneff. “From associates volunteering around the city to the innovation the company has inspired in our community, we couldn’t imagine Westerville without DHL Supply Chain.”

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