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镜湖区FedEx国际快递联系方式 芜湖镜湖区FedEx快递服务指南

发布时间: 2024-04-27 16:57 更新时间: 2025-01-30 07:30

镜湖区FedEx国际快递联系方式 芜湖镜湖区FedEx快递服务指南

FedEx Corp.(纽约所代码:FDX)的子公司和全球的快递运输公司联邦快递将扩大其西雅图地区的业务,在 PaineField Snohomish 县机场开设新的停机坪业务于 2021 年秋季在华盛顿州埃弗雷特开


新的757每日航班将于周一至周五在 Paine fied和位于田纳西州孟菲斯的 FedExEx0iss WoddHo之间运营,为西雅图北部地区37个邮政编码的客户提供两个小时的接送时间,新航班还将提供更早的市场交付时间、额外的干冰能力并提高整体市场容量。

联邦快递美国西部业务副总越蒂姆:沃特纳 imn werned 表示:“我们很自豪能够译过将业务扩展到 Pamefied来扩大我们在西雅图北部市场的影响力并增强我们的服务,"Paime Fied已经是斯诺霍米什县的经济驱动力,这次扩张使我们的网络在为客户提供服务方面取得持续成功。联邦快递将占用 19.24 英亩、68,745 平方英尺的设施,场地提供了通过额外门进行扩展的能力。

FAdEy Exes a susiday oFedFx Co NYSF:EX andthewods larest expes anspotalon company wlaxmand itseale-area oneralons wth a new ramp operalon atPaneFieldSnohomish County Airport in Everett Wash beginning in the fall of2021A new day Boeing 757 fightwlloperate Mondaythrough fidaybetwen Paine Field and the FedEx Express Wond Hub in Memphis,Ten. ofering north seale-area cusitomers in 37 2iPcodesexiended pickuo imes by uoto two hours he new tliohtwi alsooler eanler market delen times additional dp iccanabities and inceased overll market canacty"

We are proud to grow our presence and enhance ou sericesinthe noth Seale market by expanding operations to Paine Field,"said Tim Werner,semior vice president U.s. operationswestFedExExpes."Paine Field is aleady a drin economic force insnohomish Count .and this exoansion posions ournetwok forcontined succes in delveing for our customers

FedEx will occupy a 19.24-acre,68.745-square foot facility.andthe arounds offer the ability to expand with additional aates


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