全国服务热线 18036249988

金华市DHL国际快递 金华市DHL快递寄件服务中心

更新时间:2025-01-29 07:30:00
联系手机: 18036249988

金华市DHL国际快递 金华市DHL快递寄件服务中心

DHL Supply Chain North America has seen extremely dynamic growthin demand both from dedicated e-commerce players and companies thatare expanding their omnichannel offerings. For this reason, we havedecided to strengthen our focus with dedicated eCommerce sectorleadership,” said Scott Sureddin, CEO, DHL Supply Chain NorthAmerica. Kraig has made a significant contribution to the growthand development of our eCommerce and fashion accounts in recentyears and his team has demonstrated an in-depth understanding ofhow to create advantage within e-commerce supply chains. I amcertain that he will lead our business – and our customers – tofurther future growth in this exciting sector。Kraig Foreman joinedDHL Supply Chain in Canada in 1996 and has worked in a number ofroles in sectors including retail, consumer goods and automotive inthe U.S. and Canada. He has supported customers across the regionwith project management, operational start-ups, operations andsolutions design. For the last 15 years, he has held executiveroles primarily within the retail sector, with his focus in thelast ten years increasingly devoted to the development of servicesfor the eCommerce sector.

I am looking forward to steering the passion, commitment andexpertise of our eCommerce team towards delivering even moresuccessful solutions for our customers in North America, whetherthat’s established online retailers or even companies in otherverticals who are looking to build an effective e-commerce channel,which has become an increasing priority today due to the change inconsumer expectations” said Kraig Foreman, President, eCommerce,DHL Supply Chain North America. “By leveraging the industry-leadingresources of DHL Supply Chain in this market, including ourexpansive fulfillment and transportation network, we will allow ourcustomers to confidently and profitably grow their e-commercebusiness. Our focus will be on continuing the development of thenecessary fulfillment and service strategies to help our customersin simplifying their processes, building flexibility into theirsupply chains, maximizing service, and most importantly growingsales with profitability.”


  • 地址:合肥市
  • 电话:18036249988
  • 联系人:陈生
  • 手机:18036249988
  • 微信:18036249988
  • QQ:1365652637
  • Email:1365652637@qq.com