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溧阳DHL国际快递 溧阳DHL货运全球 溧阳DHL国际快递保障之选

更新时间:2024-10-04 07:30:00

溧阳DHL国际快递 溧阳DHL货运全球 溧阳DHL国际快递保障之选

全球的国际运输服务提供商 DHL Express近在佛罗里达州海厄利亚市 407 W. 49th St. 的 Palm Springs Mile 购物中心开设了一家新的零售运输店。1,500 平方英尺的 DHL ServicePoint 设施是美国家 DHL 全品牌、公司所有的零售店,可方便地使用其行业的运输服务。

  “多年来,迈阿密一直是新兴的拉丁美洲门户城市,也是 DHL 的重要枢纽。现在,随着大流行的居家订单到期和企业重新开业,我们看到通过迈阿密戴德地区的国际货运量有所增加,”DHL Express 东南地区副总裁兼总 Saavedra 说美国“南佛罗里达州是该国个 DHL 拥有的零售地点的理想市场,我们很高兴能够支持当地企业从 COVID-19 相关的停工中重新出现。”

  为应对社交距离限制,DHL 正在新零售店试行新的安全措施,包括 Call Ahead 服务(在客户到达之前准备好标签和包装以减少在大厅的等待时间)和 Call-on到达(路边)取件 DHL 货件)。

  新店提供人员协助和自助服务亭,以及气泡膜、包装胶带和 DHL 品牌包装盒等用品,以增强客户的零售体验。DHL Express 计划今年夏天在芝加哥开设其第二家公司所有的 ServicePoint。

  除了新的公司自有商店外,超过 7,100 家独立拥有的 DHL ServicePoint Partner 商店也在美国市场运营。他们提供 DHL Express 国际快递服务、全球知识和专家建议,以帮助企业进入国际市场——还提供其他品牌的服务。

  DHL Express, the world’s leading provider of international shipping services, has recently opened a new retail shipping store in the Palm Springs Mile Shopping Center at 407 W. 49th St Hialeah, FL. The 1,500 sq. ft. DHL ServicePoint facility is the first DHL fully-branded, company-owned retail store in the U.S, offering convenient access to its industry-leading shipping services.

  “For years, Miami has been the up-and-coming gateway city to Latin America as well as an important hub for DHL. And now, as pandemic stay-at-home orders expire and businesses reopen, we are seeing an increase in the volume of international shipments coming through the Miami-Dade area,” said Richard Saavedra, VP and General Manager, Southeast Area, DHL Express U.S. “South Florida is the ideal market for the country’s first DHL-owned retail location, and we’re excited to support local businesses as they re-emerge from COVID-19-related shutdowns.”


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