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莱阳市DHL国际快递电话 莱阳DHL国际快递邮寄指南

更新时间:2024-10-01 07:30:00

“DHL 美洲创新中心致力于为我们庞大的运营网络带来有影响力的解决方案,从而实现显着的收益和流程优化。我们的机器人分拣解决方案使我们能够处理更大的货物量,同时保持客户熟悉和喜爱的高服务水平,尤其是在高峰期和劳动力需求旺盛的时期,”DHL 创新经理 Ben Perlson 说。“电子商务的爆炸式增长使机器人技术和自动化成为比以往任何时候都更重要的工具,以支持我们客户的业务运营。”

  全球每年约有 13,000 名客户与 DHL 创新中心互动,机器人和自动化一直是的趋势之一。除了改善仓库员工的福祉和安全之外,这项技术还为加强运营和提高效率提供了明确的机会。

  在过去的一年中,DHL 宣布了机器人部署方面的其他进展:其 DHL 供应链部门宣布扩大与 Locus Robotics 的合作伙伴关系,将在 2020 年实施 1,000 台额外的 LocusBots,以支持北美的 12 个 DHL 站点。这些机器人协助分拣订单在仓库中完成,自主导航以快速定位和运输拣选物品给员工。

莱阳市DHL国际快递电话 莱阳DHL国际快递邮寄指南  

DHL Express, the world’s leading provider of international express shipping services, is implementing sortation robots to increase productivity and service quality at the company’s service centers. This is one of many digitalization investments that DHL is making as it implements productivity-enhancing technologies to handle increasing shipment volumes while maintaining the highest service standards for its customers.

  For one of its first implementations, DHL Express partnered with Dorabot, an AI-powered robotic solution provider for logistics, express delivery, smart manufacturing, retailing and other industries. In June 2020, DHL deployed its first AI-powered robotics arm for sortation at one of its service centers based in Miami, FL where courier pickup and delivery stops increased about 30% as the result of pandemic-related e-commerce growth. After the Dorabot was implemented as part of a pilot project, the Miami facility was able to sort 35% more packages per hour. Two robots are now deployed alongside each sorting belt, each capable of sorting over 1,000 small parcels per hour.


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